Saturday, March 11, 2017

Nepal opinion on Earthquake And Marriage

Finally I am in Nepal to do my 8th Task. 
This Task is brought you by

The Task is about asking question to the local people and specially youngsters. I had very difficulty while taking  their interviews.

In Nepal People are very shy, they said "please we can't speak in front of camera". but finally i got few youngsters who said "Yeah sure, let's do it."

We asked few questions on Earthquake.
What Nepal has learnt after Earthquake?
How we can make perfect plans for Future?

We asked few questions about marriage.
What do you think about Love marriage and Arrange marriage?
which one your preferred and why ?
What do you think about child marriage? 

Let's find out together.

#Nepal #NepalPublic #PublicOpinion #Earthquake #Marriage #Nepali

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