Saturday, December 31, 2016

Best of 2016 #AskMeAnything

This is my second episode of #AskMeAntyhing.

2016 is gone now, but there are few things what i really want to share with you 
"Best of 2016"

I have got lot's of questions from my subscribers so i made list of questions and Best of 2016.
2016 has taught me many things about life movement. I have learnt from my mistakes.
Past is best for analysing your nature and mistakes of life, you can analyse the past and make better future. 

This year my brother got married, i have got so many subscribers, crossed more than 2Lakh viewers.
Many times i thought i am not gonna make it this year, but day by day when i learn from past 
i have done so many resolutions within the months :) 

Best of 2016 - Best Festival - Best Moment - Best Teacher - Best Compliment 
Everything is there in the video :)

There are few worst moment in my life :( i have shared with you ! 

Be the part of this beautiful Journey :) 
Let's make this life more beautiful Together, We can #makeithappen

what are your "Best of 2016" Please write in comment section i want to know everything about it 
share your best of 2016, what you love about 2016, what you hate about 2016?
i want to know everything from you :) 

If you like the video, Share the video!
Don't forget to subscribe and do comment in the video :) 

Subscribe to my channel and share the videos. 

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